Whitepaper: “Crafting your Future-Ready Enterprise AI Strategy, e2”
It has become obvious how difficult so many organizations are finding it to actually craft and execute their AI strategy, in part because of the (often) decades they’ve spent kicking their proverbial data can down the road, in part because it turns out that enterprise-grade AI really does require the adoption of ecosystem-oriented architecture to truly scale, but largely because many organizations have no idea where to start. Many lack the wherewithal to really assess where they stand on day one, and to identify areas where they must mature to get to day 100 (and beyond).
We’ve learned a great deal about maturity and readiness for - and responsibility to the ethics of - AI over the past year, as well. It’s now time to broaden the thesis, so in this second edition we offer a model through which organizations may realistically assess their current maturity to adopt and scale artificial intelligence, and then identify specific areas to invest time, talent, and funding along their journey.
This whitepaper takes C-level leaders, enterprise architects, and technologists in depth on:
✔ Foundational concepts for AI tech and your AI strategy
✔ The AI Strategy Framework’s five pillars:
Strategy and Vision
Ecosystem Architecture
Responsible AI
Scaling AI
✔ The AI Maturity Model for assessing readiness, targeting AI investments, reducing risk, and exploiting the opportunities that AI offers
✔ Trends that are likely to shape AI in organizations going forward
Andrew Welch
Author | CTO | Founder
Cloud Lighthouse