The “Tyranny of the Deliverable”, and other short stories about why you’re struggling to realize big value with Power Platform
Too many organizations are still struggling to go big with Power Platform not because of limitations in technology, but because of their own outmoded ways of doing business, though I know of no other move that IT decision makers in organizations across the economy and around the world can make that is likely to achieve results of this magnitude by—in effect—doing more with less. But the benefits of adoption are often dampened by three big, non-technical reasons that I see so many organizations failing or underperforming in their scaled, enterprise Power Platform adoption.

One Thousand Workloads: How your Roadmap maximizes Power Platform investment
The workload Roadmap is an indispensable part of an organization's ongoing Power Platform adoption. It is a prioritized backlog of workloads that are candidates for migration to or new solution builds on the platform. It allows the organization to project the technology's business value over time, and is the core driver of return on investment in the platform. Here I’ll share the strategy for working directly with business owners, users, and IT to identify, prioritize, and categorize candidate workloads and to create a roadmap for building those workloads on the platform.